Normal weight for 8 year olds (kg)

The average weight for 8 year old boys is 25.8 kg and 8 year old girls average 25.8 kg1 The tables below show the distribution of weight by percentile of the 8 year year old population.

Current units = kilograms. View this page in pounds.

8 year old girls under 20 kg or over 33 kg and 8 year old boys who weigh less than 21 kg or more than 33 kg may want to consult with a doctor. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children who's weight is outside the 5th or 85th percentiles seek professional advice to determine if further evaluation is needed2.

Around the age of 8, children's growth slows down compared to their early years. On average, an 8-year-old weighs approximately 26 kg for boys and 26 kg for girls based on CDC growth charts1. At this age, boys and girls might start showing more noticeable differences in weight and height, influenced by factors such as genetics and hormonal changes. It's essential to promote positive body image and focus on overall health rather than weight alone, emphasizing the importance of a balanced diet and regular physical activity.

Body weight percentile table for 8 year old boys

Percentile Weight
3rd 20.1 kg
5th 20.7 kg
10th 21.6 kg
25th 23.3 kg
50th 25.8 kg
75th 28.8 kg
90th 32.5 kg
95th 35.3 kg
97th 37.4 kg

Body weight percentile table for 8 year old girls

Percentile Weight
3rd 19.5 kg
5th 20.1 kg
10th 21.2 kg
25th 23.1 kg
50th 25.8 kg
75th 29.2 kg
90th 33.2 kg
95th 36.2 kg
97th 38.5 kg

Source Citations

  1. Robert J. Kuczmarski Dr.P.H. et al., Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services 2000 CDC Growth Charts for the United States: Methods and Development
  2. American Academy of Pediatrics Is Your Child Overweight?

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